Having come to take house on rent ... molests woman in house!
Mattegoda police report an incident where a father of three children had committed sexual assault on a woman who was the owner of the house where the man had come to her house in Pelenwatta area, Pannipitiya on the pretense of buying the said house on rent. The man has been
apprehended.The person concerned had been earning his bread and butter by engaging in brokering, it is understood. The suspect has come to the house under reference where the victimised woman has displayed a notice of a house for rent belonging to her. The woman in fact was maintaining a trading outlet in the village. When the woman had been explaining relevant information about the room, all of a sudden he had grabbed her and tried to sexually abuse her, according to police. Later having released herself from his grip and jumping out of the house was about to hammer him with an iron pole when the suspect has beat a retreat.
Police say that the following day the suspect has come once again and threatened the woman saying, "we'll see!" if she reports this to police. Anyway, the woman has lodged her complaint with the police. Later on police after making a search in that area had managed to arrest him. The suspect is expected to be produced before Kesbewa court. Future investigations would be carried out under instructions of Mattegoda police officer-in-charge, Mr. Gamini Thilakasiri.
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