
How Lion Shepherd which did not identify owner was finally solved

How Lion Shepherd which did not identify owner was finally solved

How Lion Shepherd which did not identify owner was finally solved

A certain dog reared in a house in Habaraduwa, Galle had been uncared for by its owner and a woman in the neighbourhood had volunteered to feed the dog. Later the son of the woman concerned has on the sly sold the dog and as a result a dispute has occured between the buyer and the genuine owner in resect of the ownership of the dog. This issue was heard in court a few days ago.

According to matters divulged by Habaraduwa police the rightful ownership of this puppy 'Lion
Shepherd' with a high value raised in Pilana area was the focus of attention. As the owner of this puppy was in prison for a number of months before, it was a sister of his who had cared for the dog by providing it with food and drink.

One day when she had been taking food for the dog, she had noticed that the kennel door was left open and on inquiring further she came to find that the dog was missing and later found that it had been sold. The police who went into action then had proceeded to the house to which it was sold and brought back the dog to the police station. Thus the police were able to also find the vaccination book of the dog and other related documents in the process.

In the meantime, the wife of the person in jail had come to the police station claiming ownership of the dog  and had wanted the dog back. On that occasion the police the new owner was brought to the police station and what he said was that he had acquired the dog after securing all legal documents. Therefore, it was deemed necessary to take this issue to courts. In courts what the magistrate said was that the woman who said that she was the original owner of the dog has no legal evidence to prove ownership of the dog and further that she even is not aware of the name of the dog. When the dog was called by its name the dog has not responded, it was reported. At present the documents of the dog are in possession of the buyer and as such the claim of the woman who made the claim for ownership was rejected and it was ordered that the dog should be released to the person who bought the dog on a bond of Rs. thirty thousand. 


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