
Housing complex becomes battlefield ... with Rajarata Mp's sensuous behaviour getting caught to wife

 Housing complex becomes battlefield ... with Rajarata Mp's sensuous behaviour getting caught to wife

Housing complex becomes battlefield ...

with Rajarata Mp's sensuous behaviour getting caught to wife

The three Mps of Rajarata, Central province and Southern province are all bosom friends and they are from the same party. They are resident in the capital in the same housing complex. He also likes to see lewd films. To talk about alluring actresses. He constantly is of the habit of talking more about a certain young actress. He then says that if he is to enjoy the love of
that actress he does not care how much he spends.

In this context the Rajarata Mp somehow or the other managed to arrange to get down an actress through the services of a person who was an expert on the job. Of course he never forgot to get his other two friends also to participate in this activity. They agreed to share the expenses among them. In the meantime, somebody in the housing complex had as by instinct got to know the drama that was soon to take place. It was his own wife who happened to answer an anonymous telephone call at the Rajarata Mp's phone at the Mp's home in his village. "Madam ... tomorrow morning an actress is visiting the Colombo house to play a role in a film with sir. We'll tell you when she comes. Come and nab her", said the caller. The wife who knew of the exploits of the husband immediately rushed to Colombo and found lodging at a relative's place.

The following day dawned and as arranged, by 9 o'clock that day the said actress too arrived at the house. In fact all three of the Mps had made an appointment with her. The first confrontation of course was with the Rajarata Mp. The Rajarata wife was awaiting at her relative's home at whatever time she was to receive a telephone call. The message came as anticipated. She then arrived in the vehicle to where her husband was. The door was shut. By that time the actress who had finished the first scene had gone to the bathroom to take a wash. In the process the Rajarata Mp had lit a cigarette and had been reclining all the while enjoying the enjoyment he had experienced a while ago.

Hearing the tap on the door he then opened the door in anticipation of his two friends. But it was his wife who darted through the doorway with a devillish countenance. She then made a beeline towards the bedroom yelling at the top of her voice. An unfamiliar woman's dress hanging on the clothes rack caught her eagle eyes at that moment. "The 'nadagama' you are participating in by lodging in being in Colombo is now caught red-handed! ... let me catch her ... open the door of the bathroom ... you ... come out" she yelled and then ended up by opening the bathroom door and pulling the actress inside by her hair and dragging her out. Though Rajarata Mp came forward to rescue her, it was to no avail. Both the offenders found no end in facing a barrage of attacks from the Mp's wife. With the minute break that he managed to get in the process he then swiftly took his mobile phone and after rushing into the adjoining room gave news of the battle he encountered to his two bosom pals ... all the while trembling too.   


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