Speaking at an event last month, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said the media never questioned him on the murder of Lasantha Wickremetunga.
The Prime Minister and his Government will most certainly be questioned why even his Government has failed to bring those responsible for the crime before the law.
Family and friends of Lasantha Wickremetunga will gather at his graveside, as they have since the day he died, to pray for his soul and call for justice.
Speaking at the ‘UNESCO Regional Conference on Reinforcing Regional Cooperation to Promote Freedom of Expression and the Rule of Law in Asia through Ending Impunity for Crimes against Journalists’ in Colombo last month, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe questioned if the local media are really interested in media rights adding that they never ask him about the investigations over the murder of Lasantha Wickremetunga.
If, as he says that question was never asked, it will be asked once again tomorrow (January 8) as it has been asked every January 8th since the day Lasantha Wickremetunga was killed.
In August last year the second post mortem on the assassination found that Lasantha Wickremetunga was killed by a blunt object.
The Mount Lavinia Magistrates’ court was informed in August there were no signs to prove Wickrematunge was killed from a gun shot.
The remains Wickrematunge were exhumed in September 2016 to conduct a fresh investigation over his murder. Wickrematunge was killed while he was on his way to office.
Popularly known for his investigative journalism and for the stand he took on media freedom, Wickrematunge was believed to have been killed for taking on the then Government which was on the verge of defeating the LTTE.
AshWaru Colombo
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