Former finance minister Ravi Karunanayake was accused over the fraud and he lost his portfolio as a result. However, the commission report has cleared him and has not named him a respondent to the corrupt deal.When he makes a statement today (03) President Maithripala Sirisena is expected to reveal details of the report handed over to him by the presidential commission that inquired into the corrupt Central Bank bond issue. `Former finance minister Ravi Karunanayake was accused over the fraud and he lost his portfolio as a result. However, the commission report has cleared him and has not named him a respondent to the corrupt deal.
Apartment a question
However, the report has said that he could be made guilty of having obtained an apartment, as a bribe, from a party to the bond deal. It recommends that a complaint in that regard be made to the bribery commission. The report says there is evidence to support a charge against Karunanayake.
However, he has been saying that he was not guilty of accepting a bribe. Sources close to him say he has obtained a loan from Seylan Bank to buy the property. His lawyers are aware of it, but due to some reason, that has not been revealed at the commission. If a complaint is made against him at the bribery commission, Karunanayake is preparing to explain his innocence.
Rejected PM’s request
Meanwhile, UNP strongmen have told the prime minister that it would be disadvantageous for their party if the report was made public before the upcoming election. They want the matter to be raised with the election commission. The PM has asked Karunanayake to meet the EC chairman and discuss it. But, he has refused to do so, noting that he was a party to the matter and that he could not make such a request.
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