A video tape was reported where a passenger making inquiries via phone by contacting the customer hotline at Central Bus stand in Pettah and belonging to Sri Lanka Transport Board about reserving a bus plying from Colombo to Amparai was treated to a barrage of obscene words.
In this instance the respondent officer had initially reacted with a pleasant response had consequently
prevented further information being asked thus disconnecting the call and on the occasion further information was asked, a blast of verbal indecent language is then heard.What the passenger had required was to reserve the said bus instead of coming to that location and whether there were any options for that purpose. However, the said officer who blocked further conversation, appears that he had considered the same query being asked once more as a nuisance from his angle. It is something of special interest to note that the advice of 'if a foreigner was told ... they'd instantly understand ... our fellows are like this!' being uttered together with the the barrage of his lewd language. The voice cut related to this incident, from below
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