The country has a UNP and SLFP led coalition government. President Sirisena and PM Wickremesinghe are the leaders of that government, which is going forward despite various obstacles. There no crisis that will break up the government. Therefore, it is not a magic that the two leaders meet somewhere and discuss its future march.
It is true there is a no-confidence motion against the PM moved by the joint opposition. That was moved merely for the sake of doing it, and the pro-Rajapaksa JO has no need or the ability to topple the government and obtain power. It wants to gain something by portraying a dispute between the two leaders. But, it cannot make statements on behalf of the president.
Therefore, it is only Killi Maharaja who would come forward to prove a non-existent dispute, as he has a deep hatred against the PM. The hand may be Jacob’s, but the voice is Aesop’s. Some in the president’s media unit and the SLFP dance to Maharaja’s tune.
Our intention is to build bridges, not build walls. We want to see the continuation of the government formed by the two main parties. Those who are against it might make various statements. What should be done is to identify the betrayers who are in the pay of Maharajas while leaning on to the top government figures.
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