A group of soldiers disrupted two members of ‘Sama Aithiya’ movement who had been pasting posters at Tangalle town around 5.00 am yesterday (10), which says ‘Sinhala, Tamil, Muslims peoples, will you be ruined by the racist poison? Or, unite and defeat the true enemy?’ saying the posters were spreading racism.
The two has told the soldiers that their aim was to rally people, through raising awareness, against all forms of racism. They asked the soldiers to first read and understand what is said in the poster. Even after reading the poster, they remained unconvinced and upon being informed, Tangalle police took the two away along with the posters.
Top police officials examined the posters, found nothing wrong in them and released the two activists of ‘Sama Aithiya’.
The situation is very sensitive and the fires could erupt once again. All political acts should be looked at with wisdom. Much is said about reconciliation at the political platform, but it should be looked into if anything productive has come out of it. Those who provoke racism and religious extremism and those who do not should be differentiated. Until then, reconciliation is not possible. Pain from the communities getting distanced from each other will unavoidably be turned into hatred. Therefore, everything possible should be done to identify the common enemy.
Ashika Brahmana
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