Under the present government, investigations are being conducted into how that wealth was amassed. Some have concluded, while others are yet to be touched even.
The following is just one example of the super luxury houses acquired illegally or by using public money by the Rajapaksas.
The water bill for this house reads as Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, Wanaraja Place, Depot Road, Kataragama. The only Gotabhaya Rajapaksa we know is the ex-defence secretary. The property is located next to the Army’s circuit bungalow in Kataragama. It was built with the labours of the soldiers.
These days, Gotabhaya is touring the country, giving lectures on how to minimize corruption, fraud and wastage and to develop the economy. What we want to know is why those ideas did not come to his mind when he was the defence secretary. The country would have become a heaven had not for the country’s wealth swindled by the Rajapaksas.
This anti-corruption activist used soldiers as his slaves, as this super luxury home proves. If there are there any bungalows other than this bungalow, tell about them to the country before we expose them.
Await to read about Gotabhaya’s elephants.

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